Friday 23 March 2012

Maximizing Return on Investment for Pediatrics with EHR software ...

Electronic medical records software is no longer just for the general practice, but becoming more defined and strategically designed for pediatricians and pediatric practices.? Pediatric specialty specific workflow is included within the software product to assist pediatricians with an efficient means of running the operations connected to their facility.

While the general operations and features are included within pediatric specific workflow software, a variety of key components are also available that are geared toward pediatrics exclusively.? Below are just some of the valued components and special features associated with pediatric specific workflow operations and EHR software.

Specific Features of the Pediatric EHR

Birth Data

Birth data is more than just a field to enter the date of birth.? This component of pediatric specific workflow allows staff to expand in appropriate fields.? Key data concerning adoption, complications at birth, time and date of birth, birth weight and measurements, and other useful information may be included for review.? Age specific criteria is pre-set among the features so that pediatricians may pull up useful information that is specific to the child they are treating.

Family Structure and Demographic

Family structures need to be documented to support findings in a pediatric specific office.? This may include adoption information, foster care or single parent home details.? In order to document this pertinent information there must be fields pre-set that allow the information to be observed and entered. There may also be fields set up that allow child abuse suspicions and evidence to be made note of.? This is crucial in a pediatric office and helps to keep all treating professionals in the loop.

Immunization Records and Management

One of the most important records kept by pediatricians is the immunization details.? The administrative component of immunization management is crucial, as there is a strict schedule and guideline that must be adhered to.? Immunization management enables alerts for upcoming shots and vaccinations through automated issuance of reminder letters to the patients.? Phone calls are no longer needed, as parents and guardians receive an automated letter as a reminder of when vaccinations are due.

Growth Chart Management

Pediatricians keep careful records on a child?s growth and development.? The pre-set data field found among pediatric EHR software allows physicians and assistants to input and access height, weight and a variety of other parameters that can be generated into a report for the parents and other providers.? Careful attention can be placed on critical data and one set of criterion may be extracted at a time. ?Case values that relate to the patient?s treatment plan may be accessed at any given time.

While these are just some of the details that can be pre-set into pediatric EHR software for pediatricians to efficiently use, there are a wide number of other useful features.? Other popular components and features include sports physicals management, medication alerts, behavioral health data fields, photo managers and even pediatric triage.? Customization is becoming more and more popular for workflow operations and the EHR manufactures are recognizing the increasing need and demand for these specific criteria.


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