Thursday 31 May 2012

compared with Arnold Schwarzenegger ... - Body Health & Fitness

some pictures I took bodybuilders:

Biggest bodybuilder in the world is a vegetarian ? compared with Arnold Schwarzenegger ? Vitamin B12 ? Iron ? Diet ? 5

Year peak of Biggest bodybuilder in the world is a vegetarian - compared with Arnold Schwarzenegger - Vitamin B12 - Iron - Diet - 222-5

Worlds Largest Vegetarian Bodybuilders ? Side-by-side comparison with Mr. Olympia ? RedHeight

Year peak of Massive Muscle VEGETARIAN - A Vegetarian vs. Dorian Yates Mr. Olympia bodybuilder - Which is bigger beats vegetarian Paleolithic caveman diet?. Eating meat teaches the body to burn protein. Paleo Diet teaches you to eat the metabolism of muscle tissue and make your muscles grow more eventually winzig.Gegrilltes meat contains compounds called heterocyclic amines. One of them is called "PhIP", this connection is in meats estrogens. In other words, steak, even including Grassfed and organic meat contains substances that act like hormones in your body a Frau.S?mtliches meat when cooked, especially grilled, contains compounds that act like estrogen. This includes chicken. And fish. In fact, this includes all animals proten. Vegetables do not make this. Vegetable protein, it has not. Vegetarians do not have this Problem.Steak and meat, just like those in the low carb and Paleo Diet and heterocyclic amines include all chemicals that are estrogen and female labor included. The Paleolithic diet will not only teach your body to eat away muscle tissue, but also by the estrogenic effect of meat, is low-carb high-fat diets meat that people tend to grow more and more women over time. As a fat belly, is lowered shoulders, a little dog stomach, chest and a Flappy as gynecomastia. Paleo diets are not catabolic, anabolic steroids. Our ancestors 4 million years ago were vegetarians. Boisei, and the vegetarian human ancestors as Australopithecus or Paranthropus was more known. Yes, our hominid ancestors did not eat meat, hominids were originally vegetarian. Meat eaters and meat-eaters came later were smaller. Archaeologists found that the larger, mainly musculoskeletal were all vegetarians. Until now, the world's greatest bodybuilder at 7 feet 3 inches tall and ripped with muscle, a vegetarian.

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Sheryl Sandberg: A New Metaphor for Your Career

This post is drawn from remarks by Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, on Harvard Business School Class Day, Wednesday, May 23, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

It's an honor to be here today to address HBS's distinguished faculty, proud parents, patient guests, and most importantly, the class of 2012.

Today was supposed to be a day of unbridled celebration and I know that's no longer true. I join all of you in grieving for your classmate Nate. There are no words which can make this better.

Though laden with sadness, today still marks a distinct and impressive achievement for this class. So please join me in giving our warmest congratulations to this class.

When Dean Nohria asked me to speak here today, I thought, come talk to a group of people way younger and cooler than I am? I can do that. I do that every day at Facebook. I like being surrounded by young people, except when they say to me, "What was it like being in college without the internet?" or worse," Sheryl, can you come here? We need to see what old people think of this feature."

When I was a student here 17 years ago, I studied social marketing with Professor Kash Rangan. One of the many examples Kash used to explain the concept of social marketing was the lack of organ donors in this country, which kills 18 people every single day. Earlier this month, Facebook launched a tool to support organ donations, something that stems directly from Kash's work. Kash, we are all grateful for your dedication.

It wasn't really that long ago when I was sitting where you are, but the world has changed an awful lot. My section, section B, tried to have HBS's first online class. We had to use an AOL chat room and dial up service. (Your parents can explain to you later what dial-up service is.) We had to pass out a list of screen names because it was unthinkable to put your real name on the internet. And it never worked. It kept crashing. The world just wasn't set up for 90 people to communicate at once online. But for a few brief moments, we glimpsed the future - a future where technology would power who we are and connect us to our real colleagues, our real family, our real friends.

It used to be that in order to reach more people than you could talk to in a day, you had to be rich and famous and powerful. You had to be a celebrity, a politician, a CEO. But that's not true today. Now ordinary people have voice, not just those of us lucky to go to HBS, but anyone with access to Facebook, Twitter, a mobile phone. This is disrupting traditional power structures and leveling traditional hierarchy. Control and power are shifting from institutions to individuals, from the historically powerful to the historically powerless. And all of this is happening so much faster than I could have imagined when I was sitting where you are today - and Mark Zuckerberg was 11 years old.

As the world becomes more connected and less hierarchical, traditional career paths are shifting as well. In 2001, after working in the government, I moved out to Silicon Valley to try to find a job. My timing wasn't really that good. The bubble had crashed. Small companies were closing. Big companies were laying people off. One CEO looked at me and said, "we wouldn't even think about hiring someone like you."

After a while I had a few offers and I had to make a decision, so what did I do? I am MBA trained, so I made a spreadsheet. I listed my jobs in the columns and my criteria in the rows. One of the jobs on that sheet was to become Google's first Business Unit general manager, which sounds good now, but at the time no one thought consumer internet companies could ever make money. I was not sure there was actually a job there at all; Google had no business units, so what was there to generally manage? And the job was several levels lower than jobs I was being offered at other companies.

So I sat down with Eric Schmidt, who had just become the CEO, and I showed him the spreadsheet and I said, this job meets none of my criteria. He put his hand on my spreadsheet and he looked at me and said, "Don't be an idiot." Excellent career advice. And then he said, "Get on a rocket ship. When companies are growing quickly and having a lot of impact, careers take care of themselves. And when companies aren't growing quickly or their missions don't matter as much, that's when stagnation and politics come in. If you're offered a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat. Just get on."

About six and one-half years later, when I was leaving Google, I took that advice to heart. I was offered CEO jobs at a bunch of companies, but I went to Facebook as COO. At the time people said, why are you going to work for a 23-year-old?

The traditional metaphor for careers is a ladder, but I no longer think that metaphor holds. It just doesn't make sense in a less hierarchical world. When I was first at Facebook, a woman named Lori Goler, a 1997 graduate of HBS, was working in marketing at eBay and I knew her a bit socially. She called me and said, "I want to talk with you about coming to work with you at Facebook. So I thought about calling you and telling you all the things I'm good at and all the things I like to do. But I figured that everyone is doing that. So instead I want to know what's your biggest problem and how can I solve it?"

My jaw hit the floor. I'd hired thousands of people up to that point in my career, but no one had ever said anything like that. I had never said anything like that. Job searches are always about the job searcher, but not in Lori's case. I said, "You're hired. My biggest problem is recruiting and you can solve it." So Lori changed fields into something she never thought she'd do, went down a level to start in a new field. She has since been promoted and runs all of People Operations at Facebook and is doing an extraordinary job.

Lori has a great metaphor for careers. She says they're not a ladder, they're a jungle gym.

As you start your post-HBS career, look for opportunities, look for growth, look for impact, look for mission. Move sideways, move down, move on, move off. Build your skills, not your resume. Evaluate what you can do, not the title they're going to give you. Do real work. Take a sales quota, a line role, an ops job. Don't plan too much, and don't expect a direct climb. If I had mapped out my career when I was sitting where you are, I would have missed my career.

You are entering a different business world than I entered. Mine was just starting to get connected. Yours is hyper-connected. Mine was competitive. Yours is way more competitive. Mine moved quickly, yours moves even more quickly.

As traditional structures are breaking down, leadership has to evolve as well - from hierarchy to shared responsibility, from command and control to listening and guiding. You've been trained by this great institution not just to be part of these trends, but to lead.

As you lead in this new world, you will not be able to rely on who you are or the degree you hold. You'll have to rely on what you know. Your strength will not come from your place on some org chart, but from building trust and earning respect. You're going to need talent, skill, and imagination and vision. But more than anything else, you're going to need the ability to communicate authentically, to speak so that you inspire the people around you and to listen so that you continue to learn each and every day on the job.

If you watch young children, you'll immediately notice how honest they are. My friend Betsy from my section a few years after business school was pregnant with her second child. Her first child was about five and said, "Mommy, where is the baby?" She said, "The baby is in my tummy." He said, 'Aren't the baby's arms in your arms?" She said, "No, the baby's in my tummy." "Are the baby's legs in your legs?" "No, the whole baby is in my tummy." Then he said, 'Then Mommy, what is growing in your butt?"

As adults, we are never this honest. And that's not a bad thing. I have borne two children and the last thing I needed were those comments. But it's not always a good thing either. Because all of us, and especially leaders, need to speak and hear the truth.

The workplace is an especially difficult place for anyone to tell the truth, because no matter how flat we want our organizations to be, all organizations have some form of hierarchy. This means that one person's performance is assessed by someone else's perception.

This is not a setup for honesty. Think about how people speak in a typical workforce. Rather than say, "I disagree with our expansion strategy" or better yet, "this seems truly stupid." They say, "I think there are many good reasons why we're entering this new line of business, and I'm certain the management team has done a thorough ROI analysis, but I'm not sure we have fully considered the downstream effects of taking this step forward at this time." As we would say at Facebook, three letters: WTF.

Truth is better used by using simple language. Last year, Mark decided to learn Chinese and as part of studying, he would spend an hour or so each week with some of our employees who were native Chinese speakers. One day, one of them was trying to tell him something about her manager. She said this long sentence and he said, "simpler please." And then she said it again and he said, "no, I still don't understand, simpler please"...and so on and so on. Finally, in sheer exasperation, she burst out, "my manager is bad." Simple and clear and very important for him to know.

People rarely speak this clearly in the workforce or in life. And as you get more senior, not only will people speak less clearly to you but they will overreact to the small things you say. When I joined Facebook, one of the things I had to do was build the business side of the company and put some systems into place. But I wanted to do it without destroying the culture that made Facebook great. So one of the things I tried to do was encourage people not to do formal PowerPoint presentations for meetings with me. I would say things like, "Don't do PowerPoint presentations for meetings with me. Instead, come in with a list of what you want to discuss." But everyone ignored me and they kept doing their presentations meeting after meeting, month after month. So about two years in, I said, "OK, I hate rules but I have a rule: no more PowerPoint in my meetings."

About a month later I was about to speak to our global sales team on a big stage and someone came up to me and said, "Before you get on that stage, you really should know everyone's pretty upset about the no PowerPoint with clients thing." So I got on the stage and said, "one, I meant no PowerPoint with me. But two, more importantly, next time you hear something that's really stupid, don't adhere to it. Fight it or ignore it, even if it's coming from me or Mark."

A good leader recognizes that most people won't feel comfortable challenging authority, so it falls upon authority to encourage them to question. It's easy to say that you're going to encourage feedback but it's hard to do, because unfortunately it doesn't always come in a format we want to hear.

When I first started at Google, I had a team of four people and it was really important to me that I interview everyone. For me, being part of my team meant I had to know you. When the team had grown to about 100 people, I realized it was taking longer to schedule my interviews. So one day at my meeting of just my direct reports, I said "maybe I should stop interviewing", fully expecting them to jump in and say "no, your interviews are a critical part of the process." They applauded. Then they fell over themselves explaining that I was the bottleneck of all time. I was embarrassed. Then I was angry and I spent a few hours just quietly fuming. Why didn't they tell me I was a bottleneck? Why did they let me go on slowing them down? Then I realized that if they hadn't told me, it was my fault. I hadn't convinced them that I wanted that feedback and I would have to change that going forward.

When you're the leader, it is really hard to get good and honest feedback, no many how many times you ask for it. One trick I've discovered is that I try to speak really openly about the things I'm bad at, because that gives people permission to agree with me, which is a lot easier than pointing it out in the first place. To take one of many possible examples, when things are unresolved I can get a tad anxious. Really, when anything's unresolved, I get anxious. I'm quite certain no one has accused me of being too calm. So I speak about it openly and that gives people permission to tell me when it's happening. But if I never said anything, would anyone who works at Facebook walk up to me and say, "Hey Sheryl, calm down. You're driving us all nuts!" I don't think so.

As you graduate today, ask yourself, how will you lead. Will you use simple and clear language? Will you seek out honesty? When you get honesty back, will you react with anger or with gratitude?

As we strive to be more authentic in our communication, we should also strive to be more authentic in a broader sense. I talk a lot about bringing your whole self to work--something I believe in deeply.

Motivation comes from working on things we care about. But it also comes from working with people we care about. And in order to care about someone, you have to know them. You have to know what they love and hate, what they feel, not just what they think. If you want to win hearts and minds, you have to lead with your heart as well as your mind. I don't believe we have a professional self from Mondays through Fridays and a real self for the rest of the time. That kind of division probably never worked, but in today's world, with real and authentic voice, it makes even less sense.

I've cried at work. I've told people I've cried at work. And it's been reported in the press that 'Sheryl Sandberg cried on Mark Zuckerberg's shoulder', which is not exactly what happened. I talk about my hopes and fears and ask people about theirs. I try to be myself - honest about my strengths and weaknesses - and I encourage others to do the same. It is all professional and it is all personal, all at the very same time.

I recently started speaking up about the challenges women face in the workforce, something I only had the courage to do in the last few years. Before this, I did my career like everyone else does it. I never told anyone I was a girl. Don't tell. I left the lights on when I went home to do something for my kids . I locked my office door and pumped milk for my babies while I was on conference calls. People would ask, "what's that sound?" I would say, "What sound?" "I hear a beep." "Oh, there's a fire truck outside my office."

But the lack of progress over the past decade has convinced me we need to start talking about this. I graduated from HBS in 1995 and I thought it was completely clear that by the time someone from my year was invited to speak at this podium, we would have achieved equality in the workforce. But women at the top -- C-level jobs -- are stuck at 15-16 percent and have not moved in a decade. Not even close to 50% and no longer growing. We need to acknowledge openly that gender remains an issue at the highest levels of leadership. The promise of equality is not equality. We need to start talking about this.

We need to start talking about how women underestimate their abilities compared to men and how for women, but not men, success and likeability are negatively correlated. That means that as a woman is more successful in your workplaces, she will be less liked. This means that women need a different form of management and mentorship, a different form of sponsorship and encouragement than men.

There aren't enough senior women out there to do it, so it falls upon the men who are graduating today just as much or more as the women, not just to talk about gender but to help these women succeed. When they hear a woman is really great at her job but not liked, take a deep breath and ask why.

We need to start talking openly about the flexibility all of us need to have both a job and a life. A couple of weeks ago in an interview I said that I leave the office at 5:30 p.m. to have dinner with my children. I was shocked at the press coverage. One of my friends said I couldn't get more headlines if I had murdered someone with an ax. This showed me this is an unresolved issue for all of us, men and women alike. Otherwise, everyone would not write so much about it.

And maybe, most importantly, we need to start talking about how fewer women than men, even from places like HBS, even likely in this class, aspire to the very top jobs. We will not close the leadership gap until we close the professional ambition gap. We need more women not just to sit at the table, but as President Obama said a few weeks ago at Barnard, to take their rightful seats at the head of the table.

One of the reasons I was so excited to be here today is that this is the 50th anniversary of letting women into this school. Dean Noria, who is so passionate about getting more women into leadership positions, told me that he wanted me to speak this year for that reason.

I met a woman from that first class once. She told me that when they first came in, they took a men's room and converted it to a woman's room. But they left the urinals in. She thought the message was clear - 'we are not sure this whole woman thing is going to work out and if not, we don't want to have to reinstall the urinals.' The urinals are long gone. Let's make sure that no one ever misses them.

As you and your classmates spread out across the globe and walk across this stage tomorrow, I wish for you four things:

First, keep in touch via Facebook. This is critical to your future success! And since we're public now, why you are there, click on an ad or two.

Two, that you make the effort to speak as well as seek the truth.

Three, that you remain true to and open about your authentic self.

And four, that your generation accomplishes what mine has failed to do. Give us a world where half our homes are run by men and half our institutions are run by women. I'm pretty sure that would be a better world.

I join everyone here in offering my most sincere congratulations to the HBS Class of 2012. Give yourselves a huge round of applause.


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Disabled visitors face high hurdles to London Olympics

Courtesy of Laura Hamilton

Laura Hamilton exits a double-decker bus in London.

By Jennifer Carlile

The Olympic and Paralympic Games ? which London has promised will be the most accessible and inclusive ever ? are just weeks away. All sports venues are fully equipped for disabled visitors, but many city-goers with physical impairments say they still feel like second-class citizens on public transport.

?I am shocked at how disabled I am here; I have never felt so handicapped,? said Laura Hamilton, a 28-year-old American with muscular dystrophy living in London.

?I?m scared to go out on my own,? said the Californian, who quit her job in San Francisco and moved to Britain in March ?to see the world? before her condition deteriorates.

Courtesy of Laura Hamilton

Laura Hamilton in the handicapped section of a double-decker bus in London.

The London Underground is by far the fastest way to get around the city, but with just a handful of stations in the historic heart of the capital offering step-free access, Hamilton said ?it?s more of a novelty for wheelchair users.?

All black cabs are accessible, but using taxis or a car as a primary form of transportation is prohibitively expensive for most residents, so wheelchair users rely heavily on buses.

But Hamilton, who uses a small electric scooter, said that ?most times the drivers don?t want to pull into the curb so I?m told I can?t get on at all.?

Paralympian crawls off train
Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson, who won 11 gold medals for Great Britain in five Paralympic Games and is a board member of Transport for London (TFL), the city's group responsible for the transportation system,?described how she recently had to crawl off a train.?

?My train was late into Kings Cross Station and the station had pretty much closed and there was no one who came to get me,? said the parliamentarian and TV presenter, who was born with spina bifida.

?So I got out of my chair, pushed my chair off, and crawled out of the train and got back into it,? she said.

Despite that incident and other cases of being ?forgotten? on long-distance trains, the athlete said the situation within London has improved greatly in recent years.

Andrew Yates / AFP-Getty Images file

Tanni Grey-Thompson waves to the crowd after her last-ever race in the T53 200 meters in 2007.

?But people coming from countries like the U.S. and Canada will find it a bit more tricky,? she said.

Dating back to 1863, the London Underground is the oldest metropolitan railway in the world. Disabled access renovations only began after a wheelchair ban was lifted less than 20 years ago.

TFL, which is run by the mayor, scrapped its promise to make a quarter of stations step free by 2010 and a third by 2013.

Now, 65 of the 270 stations have step free access from street to platform, but most of those still have a gap between the platform and train.

Wheelchair access will be available at locations key to the Games ? Stratford for the Olympic Park, Southfields for tennis at Wimbledon, and Green Park for equestrian events ? but, not at the vast majority of tourist hot spots, including Piccadilly Circus, Notting Hill, and Covent Garden.

Grey-Thompson said upgrades had to be chosen carefully as ?it costs more than 100 million pounds to make a central London station wheelchair-accessible.?

?Left to the side of the road?
Meanwhile, the bus system was completely overhauled in 2007.

?Our bus fleet is the most accessible fleet in the world ? with every one of our 8,500 buses low-floor wheelchair-accessible and fitted with ramps,? said Wayne Trevor, Accessibility Manager for TFL. However, only 60 percent of bus stops are fully accessible.

?We get a lot of complaints from wheelchair users left to the side of the road,? said Lianna Etkind, Campaigns and Outreach Coordinator for disabled rights group Transport for All.

Californian Hamilton said she often feels like a ?third-class citizen? as her husband begs drivers to let her on and one in four drive away without her.

?Drivers are definitely required to pick up disabled passengers,? TFL said in an email response, adding that passengers are encouraged to lodge complaints which can result in driver retraining or dismissal.

The installation of tactile paving and audio-visual displays has assisted blind and deaf passengers, but recession-induced staff cuts have made it harder to receive personal assistance.

Carole Cherrington, a blind 43-year-old who has lived in London her entire life, took the Underground on her own for the first time in March. She said she had to rely on a stranger to get to her destination and found the journey ?extremely distressing.?

TFL has since provided her with a ?travel buddy? free of charge, but she said: ?I feel excluded by society in being able to get around independently; I hope having the Paralympics here will bring more awareness.?

Michael Theobold, who is profoundly deaf, said that he had encountered dangerous situations when he couldn?t hear last-minute audio announcements.

The 64-year-old former teacher recalled in an email interview that he was unable to hear a warning to move along the track at Marble Arch station.

?There was a sudden surge of people and I was very nearly knocked off balance on to the electrified track,? he said.

?An army of volunteers?
Transport for London is eager to ensure that the Olympics run without a hitch.

?An army of volunteers will be drafted in to assist our operations during Games time,? TFL said in an email.

Scores of extra buses, manual track-to train ramps, and fast-response elevator engineers will also be brought in.

Transport for All?s Etkind said she was hopeful that the extra resources would help disabled visitors get around the city successfully.?

?It?s great that TFL is improving access to the Underground during the Olympics and Paralympics. But access and inclusion isn?t just for Games time, it?s for life,? she said.

More: Londoners express hopes, frustrations as Olympics come to town?
Now towering over London's Olympic Park: 'The Godzilla of public art' ?

Jennifer Carlile was a senior writer and editor for news team, enjoying nearly a decade of reporting from Great Britain, continental Europe, and her hometown of Honolulu, Hawaii. She is now a freelance writer living in London.

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Wanderlei Silva calls Vitor Belfort disrespectful for breaking hand, pulling out of UFC 147 bout

If you have a fight scheduled with Wanderlei Silva, you need to give your bones very stern instructions not to break. If they do go against your wishes and snap in two, that's disrespect.

Vitor Belfort is currently coaching against Silva on the Brazilian version of "The Ultimate Fighter" and was slated to fight him at UFC 147. A broken hand forced Belfort out of their bout. UFC president Dana White said Belfort needs surgery. Though training injuries are part of the game in MMA, Silva called it "amateurism" via his Twitter account.

"(Fighting me) with one hand (laughs)? We are professionals. It's a great irresponsibility not to be careful on training, a great disrespect towards the fans. I'm really sad. I'm ready to knock you out, you have nowhere to run. This fight is happening. I guess you got scared of me. Nobody trains so hard that breaks his hand. We use the best equipments, gloves, bandages.

"If you were scared, you shouldn't have accepted it. If you really got it broken, it's amateurism and if you didn't, you're scared. In both scenarios, it was irresponsible of you towards the fans. Pardon the word, but I'm pissed with your amateurism. A main event on the biggest event of the world and the guy shows up like that".

Strong words from Silva, especially considering that he has pulled out of fights with injuries. In 2010, cracked ribs kept him from the co-main event of UFC 116 against Yoshihiro Akiyama.

Ease up, Wand. As you well know, injuries are part of a sport that asks its competitors to hit each other as hard as possible. Hands and ribs break. Ligaments tear. Life goes on. Belfort has been in 30 professional MMA bouts, so it's hard to believe he's scared, or that he broke his hand on purpose to get out of this fight. And if he could have, wouldn't he have done that to get out of getting kicked in the face by Anderson Silva?

Thanks to Tatame for translation help.

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Electronics recycling is a global organization which has observed a massive boom inside the last ten years whilst continuing to improve in both engineered and creating nations around the world. Around the following fifteen a long time it is believed that the volume and fat of digital machines will double. So what would be the most financially viable and environmentally efficient strategy for disposing of it?

Some objects, this sort of as cell phones and personal computers, turn out to be obsolete in a incredibly swiftly price thanks to constant adjustments in technologies. Alternatively than throw them out to the usual squander bin, a lot of people are beginning to see the advantages of recycling these things. Lots of these items can also be refurbished, hence producing them useful to some other person. You can find an old stating that one man?s waste is yet another man?s treasure.

Most homes and offices will include a significant number of obsolete digital machines. This can range from house appliances this sort of as kettles and fridges, place of work devices these kinds of as computers, to mobile phones, cameras and toys just to name several. It is really amazing what amount things can just build up, filling up cupboards and gathering dust in attics, and recycling this is a useful and environmentally method of disposing of it. Electronic products which have been suited for recycling may also be regarded as e-waste, and generally contains items that use batteries or can be plugged in.

Most cities and cities will have an electronics recycling plant that will require all unused or undesired appliances and approach them. As some objects include quite a bit personal information, several recycling centres offer you ensures that any facts will be safely disposed of. Because of peoples security problems, this is certainly very important.

One more facet of recycling should be to look at donating appliances that nonetheless do the job but will not be remaining made use of to charity stores, who?ll be able to sell them and create a revenue to get a very good bring about.

Electronics recycling is a thing which can only be completed inside of a plant mainly because there is certainly some danger involved. Some solutions incorporate contaminants, this sort of as mercury, that may can only be processed inside of a safe and sound natural environment. This toxic waste can then be safely disposed of with no posing a deal with for the neighborhood setting. When this harmful waste is dumped illegally or in local landfill internet sites it can trigger serious destruction, particularly when it influences the neighborhood water provide. When electronics are disposed of while in the local dump, they consider up precious area and may trigger damage. When they are recycled or refurbished it is supporting the natural environment.

Many electronics merchandise also have cherished metals this kind of as gold and silver, while other individuals include base metals this kind of as lead and copper. Extracting this allows to produce business as well as generate employment.

Electronics recycling can be a world wide small business which is planning to go on to improve and expand for the reason that entire world continues to understand that landfill area will not be infinite. Recycling electronic solutions is definitely an efficient means of reusing outdated assets, in addition as making job opportunities. It is a expense productive and environmentally way of disposing of household and business office appliances.

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Fifty years on, Dylan awarded Medal of Freedom | Palm Beach ...


McClatchy Newspapers

Updated: 11:44?a.m.?Wednesday,?May?30,?2012

Posted: 11:36?a.m.?Wednesday,?May?30,?2012

? Few recipients of the presidential Medal of Freedom have carried more cultural and artistic weight than Bob Dylan, who received the recognition from President Barack Obama on Tuesday at the White House for contributions to American life and culture.

The gravel-voiced Dylan, who turned 71 last week, has both pleased and baffled fans and critics for five decades. His 40-plus albums have featured folk anthems, country hits, rock classics and even religious tunes now sung in church pews and by gospel choirs.

?There is not a bigger giant in the history of American music,? Obama said during a packed ceremony in the East Room of the White House.

Photographers and reporters jockeyed for a glimpse of the music icon, and even politicians used to the limelight seemed star-struck. The famously retiring Dylan wore dark sunglasses throughout the event and sat bow-tied and stone-faced, not even cracking a smile during lighthearted moments.

Along the way in Dylan?s 50 years of show business, there have been documentaries made about his place in American culture and dozens of books, some by respected historians, written to analyze the man and his music. College professors offer entire courses on his writing.

?Nobody else in serious literature or otherwise has captured that pastiche that is American like Dylan has captured it. He knows it, he?s nailed it. He pushes us toward something better than we are,? said Frances Hunter, a creative writing professor at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro. She teaches an elective poetry course on Dylan?s writing.

Boston University humanities professor Christopher Ricks devoted an entire book to Dylan?s religious writings in 2004, ?Dylan?s Visions of Sin,? which looked at the deadly sins and cardinal virtues through the prism of Dylan?s songs.

Sean Wilentz, a Princeton University American history professor, added to the cultural legacy of Dylan with ?Dylan in America,? showing the historical influences that shaped the Minnesota-raised songwriter.

Hunter and other academics have been pushing for Dylan to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

?Last year they gave it to a very obscure Swedish poet,? she noted, arguing that Dylan?s musical staying power may be working against him for literature?s highest honor. ?I think fame hurts. You can be too famous. The literary snobs come out.?

If the Nobel judges have ignored Dylan, the White House, serious academics and the broader art world clearly have not. Art galleries feature his paintings. Hollywood honored Dylan?s art with the 2007 film ?I?m Not There,? where famous actors take on different Dylan personas from various times in the artist?s life and career.

Dylan has won 11 Grammy Awards, pop music?s top recognition. He?s also won an honorary Pulitzer Prize in 2008 for his ?profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of extraordinary poetic power.?

Perhaps the best testament to Dylan?s importance is that his work has been recorded more than 3,000 times by other artists, a nod of respect more direct than any award presented. A White House pianist played his song, ?Don?t Think Twice, It?s All Right,? as guests entered the East Room.

?Bob Dylan is one of the most important songwriters in music history. And that is the entire spectrum of recorded music history,? said Howard Kramer, curatorial director at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland. ?As an American artist, he?s essential to the entire narrative of American musical tradition.?

Born Robert Allen Zimmerman in Duluth, Minn., on May 24, 1941 ? not in nearby Hibbing as President Obama incorrectly mentioned Tuesday ? Dylan grew up along the Mesabi Iron Range. There was nothing to suggest that the son of Jewish middle-class parents would someday be honored at the White House.

To the contrary, his earliest foray into music, in the late 1950s, imitating Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis, was hardly greeted with enthusiasm. Robert Hewitt, four years younger than Dylan and a brother of a Dylan schoolmate, recalled how English teacher Testla Lundeen closed down a Dylan performance at a Hibbing High School talent show.

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Wednesday 30 May 2012

Major law firm files for bankruptcy | Top iPad Finance Apps

Prestigious law firm Dewey & LeBoeuf files for bankruptcy protection, does not plan on re-opening for business.

Prestigious law firm Dewey & LeBoeuf files for bankruptcy protection, does not plan on re-opening for business.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) ? The long decline of Dewey & LeBoeuf ended as the foundering law firm filed for bankruptcy protection in federal court in New York.

A press release issued late Monday by the firm indicated the filing was made in order to ?preserve assets and wind down its business in the most orderly and efficient way possible.?

The firm said it is not planning a return to business, and instead will liquidate.

The firm?s creditors number in the thousands and its liabilities range from $ 100 million to $ 500 million, according to court documents filed in the Southern District of New York. The firm also lists assets of between $ 100 million to $ 500 million.

The bankruptcy filing comes after a substantial number of partners left the firm in a massive collapse that ranks among the professions? most high-profile failures.

?We are proud of the dedication and professionalism that has characterized Dewey & LeBoeuf over many years, and we intend to bring the same focus to the unfortunate task of closing out our affairs,? Stephen Horvath, the firm?s executive partner, said in a statement.

The firm, which at one point employed more than 1,100 lawyers in 26 offices, said it would ask the bankruptcy court for permission to keep 90 workers on to help wind down the business.

Dewey & LeBoeuf was created in 2007 when two long-established New York law firms merged. The recession and 2008 financial crisis have taken their toll on the legal profession, killing off several major firms,

Among the firm?s biggest clients is baseball?s Los Angeles Dodgers, which it represented through the team?s own bankruptcy filing last year and its proposed $ 2 billion purchase earlier this year by a group that includes former basketball star Earvin ?Magic? Johnson.?To top of page

First Published: May 29, 2012: 7:24 AM ET

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Best Blunders to prevent While Picking Exhibit Rental

chadk0khcu Posted by chadk0khcu on 5 hours ago

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Tuesday 29 May 2012

How To Decide The Right Patent Legal professional |

The legal system is crucial to man. It controls the actions of man. Without the authorized system, the best objective can be ruined either by the opposite people or by oneself.

With out laws, there might be disorder and chaos, as a result of each particular person will do something in line with his or her needs with out trying upon the things that may instigate widespread good.

For that reason, a particular legal system is being imposed by every society to make sure uninterrupted monitoring of peace and order scenario in the area.

In essence, the authorized system has an impact on almost the entire features of the society. They have a tendency to link the regulation to the totally different aspects in the society.

One of the industries that drastically need the services of an lawyer is the intellectual property rights division.

In this area, a set of restricted rights, generally known as patents, are being granted by the federal government to a person for a predetermined period. These are in exchange for the synchronized, unrestricted expos? of particular options of a way, device, process, or work of any substance, that?s creative, new, useful, or technologically appropriate. These things are also known as invention.

These restricted rights present utmost protection for the patent holder in opposition to any imminent use, sale, or claims on a particular invention.

To facilitate the processing of patents, you will need to seek the help of a patent attorney. The patent legal professional will be the one responsible in embodying the client in buying patents. He will even be responsible in processing any matter topic to patent legislation and preparation.

The definition of a patent attorney is evident and simple. Of course, some individuals are confused as to how paten brokers and patent legal professional differ on its truest sense.

In essence, the time period patent attorneys and patent agents are each utilized in some areas. Hence, there are some circumstances wherein the accountability of the patent legal professional could be the similar as patent agent. The only distinction is that the patent legal professional has the total qualifications of a lawyer.

So in choosing the proper patent legal professional, it is very important keep in mind that the individual should be an authentic member of the bar to qualify as an officially approved patent attorney.

To know extra about choosing the proper patent lawyer, here are some tricks to live by -

1. Do your homework

Earlier than hiring the suitable patent lawyer, it is important that you already know the essential nature of the job or service. Attempt to research what a patent legal professional actually is.

Furthermore, the duties of a patent legal professional may differ in accordance with the present paten regulation of a selected country. Hence, it is crucial that you know what your nation states about dependable patent attorneys.

As an example, within the United States, for a person to be recognized as an authorized patent attorney, he must first move the USPTO examination. This examination supplies the required evaluations wanted to determine if a person is endowed with the correct data relating to paten laws.

2. Registered patent attorney

Many people can declare that they are patent attorneys. In fact, even if they had been acknowledged as patent agents and even if they had already been admitted to the bar, but was not duly registered as a practising patent legal professional, he can not apply underneath patent jurisdiction.

3. Discover a specialist

There are millions of patent attorney to choose from. After all, not all of them are experienced on this specific field. Some attorneys have taken notable specialization on patent laws, thus, contemplating themselves as experts.

For that reason, to determine the precise patent lawyer, it?s best to scrutinize first his level of specialization. Making an attempt to ask your family and friends about patent attorneys could solely reduce your probability of getting an actual patent specialist. Keep in mind that what works for them could not work for you.

Hence, it?s best to ask those that are in the same discipline as well. You may ask some legal professional that you understand and get some referrals regarding the fitting patent attorney that may do the job fore you.

Indeed, selecting the best patent lawyer will be very tricky. You may by no means know one of the best among the many rest except you realize that he stands out above the others. So, higher check the background first earlier than hiring one.

There is more information available on Attorneys Bankruptcy Law check out Selina T. Carosella?s site there is plenty of details not covered on this page, find those details at Author?s website to uncover additional details.

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Take your time to find the right real estate agent, do not rush, you must convince yourself that you have the right. Please contact a few real estate agents, planning for an interview, aware of their knowledge and experience. According to the information you win, you can decide what to with. Want to work investing By property, you must decide and focus on a particular type of investment. So you need to know the different types and decide what you do best and focus on that type. You must also decide what type of property you want to invest. Once you decide, you can discuss these things with your broker to know the agent, what to look for property in the real estate market in Miami real. need to take you consider that to invest in Miami real estate is not so easy, it is quite difficult, if you need to leave anything to rush things and makes the process through smoothly and carefully to ensure you get the best deals and for you to gain success in the long run. Eliza Ayson Maledevic

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John Browett invia un video in cui comunica ai dipendenti degli Apple Store che l?aumento di salario avverr? con 3 mesi di anticipo

John Browett, il nuovo vice presidente del settore vendite di Apple, ha recentemente inviato un video ai propri dipendenti in cui afferma che l?aumento di salario (programmato per il 30 settembre) avverr? con 3 mesi di anticipo, pi? precisamente il 30 giugno.

John Browett ? stato recentemente ingaggiato come il nuovo Vice Presidente del settore vendite di Apple, dopo aver promesso sconti sugli acquisti di Mac e iPad ed aver inviato una lettera di presentazione ai dipendenti degli Apple Store, egli ha diffuso un video in cui spiega che il tanto richiesto aumento di salario avverr? con 3 mesi di anticipo.

In passato infatti si era parlato del possibile incremento della retribuzione programmato per il 30 settembre di quest?anno, in una mossa quasi a sorpresa Browett ha invece affermato che questi avverr? il 30 giugno. Secondo quanto riportato, l?aumento avverr? in scala 1-5. In altre parole, come nella maggior parte dei lavori nel settore delle vendite, l?impiegato ricever? un salario base ed un aumento in relazione a quanti prodotti ? riuscito a vendere; grazie a tale incremento quindi il dipendente potr? ricevere dall?1 al 5% di salario.


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Family robbed after teen posts photo of money on Facebook

Paul J. Richards / AFP - Getty Images

By Rosa Golijan

On Thursday, a teenage girl posted a photo of a "large sum of cash" on Facebook. About seven hours later, two robbers arrived at her family's home.?Unsurprisingly, this incident prompted local authorities to issue a warning about the dangers of posting photographs online.

According to BBC News, the 17-year-old girl was helping her 72-year-old grandmother count her cash savings when she decided to snap a photo of the money and post it on Facebook.?A press release by the local police force explains that this social media activity occured in Sydney, Australia at about 4 p.m. on Thursday.?At 11:30 p.m. on the same day, a house about 75 miles south-west was invaded by two armed men.?The girl's mother, a 58-year-old man and a 14-year-old boy were home at the time.

Brandishing a knife and a wooden club, the two men "allegedly entered the home demanding to speak with the girl about the cash" seen in the Facebook photo. After the girl's mother explained that she no longer lives at that address, the men proceeded to search the house and "took a small amount of cash and other personal property before leaving."

It is unclear how the robbers connected the girl's social media activity to her mother's home address, but authorities are nonetheless urging "users of social media to take extreme caution when posting photographs and personal information." I suspect that's a polite way of saying "Use some common sense, folks!"

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Want more tech news, silly puns, or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts, or circling her?on?Google+.

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Las Vegas Helicopters Fly Direct to the Grand Canyon | Africa ...

??Your Las Vegas trip can be greatly enhanced when you include a Grand Canyon helicopter tour in it. The feeling you have flying over the colorful landscape of the canyon can leave you breathless. Adding this adventure to your Las Vegas travels makes memories that will last you a lifetime. Let?s learn more about how you can enjoy Grand Canyon helicopter tours, shall we?

The view you get from the floor of the canyon is remarkable in ways words cannot describe. However, imagine the view you will have from the sky. You may like to reserve a tour that includes landing at both the top and the bottom of the West Rim area of the canyon. If you go that route, there are several popular attractions and activities you can partake in.

The most desirable is a float trip down the Colorado River. It?s a spectacular adventure and will definitely be something you?ll never forget. How so? Well, consider you?ll be seeing some of the oldest exposed rock on the planet. There are also opportunities to see herds of bighorn sheep and flocks of stately condors. No worries if you?re not a naturalist. Your guide, who will most likely be a tribe member of the Hualapai, will be happy to explain everything to you.

On top of the West Rim, there?s Eagle Point and Guano Point ? two areas that are noted for their spectacular views of this protected wilderness. Most tourists choose these lookouts for taking photos (be careful as there are no guard rails!). Many hiking opportunities are available as well for enhancing your photo shots. The best way to discover things to do is to head to the gift shop and get directions.

Many travelers enjoy the activities at Hualapai Ranch. You and your family can look forward to a western style horse back riding, a cook out, and other cowboy related activities. This is an especially great adventure to think about if there are children with you. Hualapai Ranch is an awesome place, too, if you?re visiting the rim with your business colleagues.

The biggest draw at the West Rim is the Grand Canyon Skywalk. Some say it?s the ?peacock among the pigeons.? I think once you see it you?ll understand the expression. The glass bridge is made out of glass panels and hangs over the side of the rim. Travelers from around the world pay to access it and walk 70 feet over the edge. The experience is so highly regarded that the magazine Travel and Leisure named it the best bridge for 2012!

The tour you choose includes knowledgeable guides for helping you to make the most of your trip also. While making your reservations, you might consider learning about the clothing and other items you will need while on the tour. Summer, especially, is hot so please pack a hat, sun block, sunglasses and water. Find out if lunches and other meals are. Being prepared on your trip makes it less stressful and more enjoyable.

Las Vegas is the number one starting point for West Rim excursions. As such, these trips are in high demand and it behooves you to plan ahead if you want to fly out on a particular day and time. In addition to being a hot Vegas side-trip, the West Rim is also renowned as being the only place where you can fly a helicopter to the bottom.

Visiting the West Rim will be quite a memorable trip. By including a Grand Canyon helicopter tour in your plans, your enjoyment becomes much more. Seeing the landscape from the air is a wonderful experience and every one should have the chance to enjoy at least once. Do not miss the chance to fly the canyon on your next Las Vegas visit.

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[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['Titanic', 7]], '', ' ', '', '550', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['Titanic', 7]], '', ' ', '', '550', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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