Wednesday 13 February 2013

JM Internet: Small Business Top SEO Tips

(The Hosting News) ? The JM Internet Group (web:, a leader in providing?SEO Tips for small businesses online, is proud to release its list of the Top SEO Tips for January, 2013. The list is built on actual inbound search queries hitting the company?s massive list of SEO tips for small business marketers and therefore reflects the ?pain points? experienced by small businesses as they seek to get to the top of Google via search engine optimization during the month of January, 2013.

?Our SEO Tips section is built on actual student question and answers in our online SEO classes,? explained Jason McDonald, director of the JM Internet Group. ?We monitor this list monthly and produce the list so that the SEO and small business community can see what their peers are puzzling over during a given month..?

For more information and the actual SEO tips list, go to -

Most Popular SEO Tips ? January, 2013
Here are the most popular SEO tips as measured by inbound organic web traffic to the website.

Is there a limit to the meta keywords character count for SEO?
What does ?not set? mean in Google Analytics?
Review of WIX? Is it SEO-friendly?
How long does it take Google to reindex your website?
Does the header tag family (h1, h2) matter for SEO, or not?
How does the Facebook ?like? button work in terms of Facebook marketing?
Do domain extensions like .com vs. .org vs. biz matter for SEO?
Meta Keywords ? are they important or Not? SEO Tips on Meta Keywords?
What does ?fetch as Google? mean in Webmaster tools?
Are duplicate TITLE tags bad for search engine optimization?

SEO Training Course Schedule ? SEO, AdWords, and Social Media Marketing
Getting to the top of Google is a key marketing objective for most businesses and marketers. That?s what Search Engine Optimization, or ?SEO,? is all about. The company?s online SEO training classes offer hands-on, step-by-step instructions on how to get to the top of Google for businesses and marketers. YouTube marketing makes up a major component of the company?s social media marketing efforts.

As part of each SEO training class, Jason McDonald answers student inquiries. These SEO tips then post to the website and because of the company?s successful SEO strategy become targets for inbound search queries via Google. Next the company has data on what tips are the most popular, creating an amazing feedback loop of SEO training and success strategies.

Learn SEO, Social Media Marketing, and PPC (AdWords) in a Friendly Online Internet Marketing Course
Next classes start in April, 2013

Top Ten: Top Ten Free Tools for SEO / Search Engine Optimization
Keywords: How to Generate Great Keywords for Great Google Rank
Page Tags ? Quick Boost ? Use Page Tags to Improve your Google Rank
Link Strategies: The Who, What, Where, When and How of Getting Good Links for SEO
News: News You Can Use ? Using News as an SEO Opportunity -
Google Rank: Monitoring Your Google Rank, and Leveraging it for SEO and PPC
Website Structure: Creating the Best Topology for Google Rank
Metrics: Tools for Measuring Your Website SEO and Performance
AdWords: SEO for AdWords
Social Media: Social Media Marketing for Businesses and Marketers

About JM Internet Group

The JM Internet Group provides SEO, Social Media Marketing, and Google AdWords training and courses for busy marketers and businesspeople. Online search engine optimization training helps explain keywords, page tags, link building strategies and other techniques needed to climb to the top of search engine rankings for Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The teaching methodology is hands on, with live examples and discussions, taught from the convenience of each student?s computer.

Source: JM Internet: Small Business Top SEO Tips


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