Friday 1 March 2013

Perez Hilton Talks Fatherhood ? Alice@97.3

(Michael Kovac/Getty Images for Art of Elysium)

(Michael Kovac/Getty Images for Art of Elysium)

Perez Hilton announced the birth of his first son yesterday.

?I feel like I?ve always been a dad,? Hilton told told Carson Daly at AMP/Los Angeles Thursday morning. ?I was born to be one and I know I always wanted to have a family of my own and I?m just naturally, privately, the nurturing and protecting type, so this comes as no surprise to my friends and family that I would do this.?

Hilton has yet to announce the baby?s name, but he did reveal his nickname for the infant.

?I?m calling him Sweet Pea from now on. I?m Big Pea and he?s Sweet Pea,? he said.

Though Hilton isn?t ready to tell all about his new son, he said he was touched by the outpouring of support.

?I?m actually really flattered that people care,? he said. ?I thought some people would be interested, but I was really surprised by the reaction yesterday. I mean, I was the No. 1 trending topic on Twitter for several hours, or I was told.?

(Image Courtesy of

(Image Courtesy of

The celebrity blogger did reveal that he?s planning to speak about his whole experience in the future.

?I?m trying to figure out the best way to talk about everything because I feel like it is an interesting and a good story that I want to share with everybody,? he said.

Fatherhood has been a transition for the fitness-focused Hilton but he?s enjoying his newest job title: Daddy.

?I thought there would be a lot more negativity. There was, and there was skepticism, but I thought there would be more of it and I?m surprised and so grateful and thankful that it was overwhelmingly positive. So, thank you to everybody.?

-Sarah Carroll, 97.1 AMP Radio/Los Angeles


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